Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wisdom from my Mother

Well, it's been a while since I've posted on this blog. Some of that may be the fact that I'm still so young & don't feel like I have much advice to offer. :)

This past week my mom & I were able to sit down & do some planning for the rest of my high school years. Always seek the counsel of your parents, they know you best & will be able to help guide you through this sometimes confusing time in your life. During our meeting my mom shared some advice with me about finding out what it is that God has called you to do with your life. Here are a couple things I thought I'd share.

1. Pursue Experiences - Look for opportunities to experience real life jobs, ministries, etc. You may discover an interest or passion you would have never known you had unless you tried.

2. Seek God - Continually ask God for guidance and direction for your life. Ask Him what He wants you to become.

3. Have Direction - While it is important to seek God in everything you should also have a general direction of where you want to head. You can't just sit in a boat without a rudder & hope that the sails will billow bringing you to where you need to go. You have to set the rudder in the right direction & then let God billow your sail.

4. Don't Feel Obligation - Just because someone tells you that you should become a rocket scientist or that they want you to undertake a certain ministry doesn't mean you have to. My mom was asked to teach for a new church school & she did simply because they wanted her to do it. Now that she looks back, she realizes that it probably wasn't the best use of that time in her life. Because she felt she had to fill this need she ended up wasting a couple years she could have used for something more fruitful.

What is some advice you've received from your parents about navigating the future?

Coming Soon: I'm working on writing a post about what I'm doing now to prepare myself for whatever path I take after high school.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, Allison! That was great!

    hmmm... I'll have to think about what advice my parents have given me. That is a good topic for this blog.

    I'm looking forward to reading your next post... It sounds good. :)
