Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Plans, Respect, and Polls

As you all know, I am staying home rather than going to college. When people ask me what I'm doing now, it's kind of hard to explain. I don't want to come off sounding like I really don't have a clue what I'm going to do with my life, and that I'm just going to sit lazily at home. But I'm afraid that's how it comes out sometimes, especially if someone like a cashier asks me and I don't have the time to explain everything. :) Anyway, I was talking to my dad about this, and wanting to have a more clear plan for my year. He suggested that I write a book!

So, I am in the planning stages of that. I'm sure it will be very interesting. :P

The topic I am thinking of writing about right now is how young ladies can show respect and honor to the men in their lives. I think it is a topic that needs to be written about and that currently (at least from what I've seen) doesn't have any book devoted to it.

I would like to include topics such as: What does it mean to respect someone? What does it look and sound like in real life? Why is this so important? What makes a guy feel respected? Disrespected? Who exactly should I be showing respect to?

Here are some questions that I'm wondering about that you all may be able to help me out with:

  1. Would you be interested in such a book? (i.e. Would you purchase it?)
  2. Do you agree that this is an important, but unaddressed topic?
  3. Are these some of the questions you have asked?
  4. Are there any other questions related to respect that you would be interested in having addressed?

I would appreciate any input that you all have!

About the poll-- I thought the results were quite interesting! I did not expect to have 50% of the people saying that they were planning on staying at home. Okay, so it was only 6 people... But still! Also, I was wondering what the "other" people are planning on. If you are reading this, and you voted for "other", I would be really interested in knowing what you are planning on! Does anyone else want to add to my thoughts on the results so far?

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